Here’s What You Don’t Know About Repressing Your Pleasure That Could Keep You Super Frustrated

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Here’s What You Don’t Know About Repressing Your Pleasure That Could Keep You Super Frustrated

Yesterday, during my intro to pole series I shared with my class on how pole dance helped me step into the woman I am today.

It’s a pretty big statement.

Pole dance showed me that I was repressing my pleasure, I was doing everything for others and nothing for myself. I was fearful of exploring parts of myself because it was “taboo.”

I was taught to be conservative. I was taught to not be playful as I would be judged. Yes, sometimes those things are true, especially in Corporate America, however, I was able to explore my sexual and sensual energy through pole dance. Obviously, not in the first class, as just like you, I was afraid to even try. I didn’t want to be judged. I didn’t want the other students in the class to judge me. I walked into my first class with a big gym shirt and baggy shorts. However, I eventually kept going to pole dance class. I went on a fitness-type journey. I wasn’t sexy, I was jumping after what the next best trick was, calling it fitness. Guess what though…I was still repressing my pleasure, and being frustrated on how I wasn’t meeting my goals, or how others didn’t understand I was doing pole dance for fitness. But you know what, I started to let go the fitness only aspect, and what other people thought about my hobby, because I realized I should challenge myself into a new type of dance. I signed up for that choreography pole dance class to challenge myself. I certainly didn’t love it at first, but, I love a challenge…plus, indirectly, I allowed myself the freedom to explore. That was truly a liberating experience. Let me say it again, I allowed myself the freedom to explore. And, low and behold…I ended up loving the sexy, sultry, sensual movement. I allowed myself to let my sexual and sensual energy loose, I started to feel alive, I bought heels, I stopped hiding my body, and I started loving myself a little bit more with each new sensual move. I started surprising myself that my “hips don’t lie!,” and I didn’t have to be ashamed of my hips any longer. I started to connect with my body in a really exciting, pleasurable way. I discovered that this brought joy, allowing me to give myself the self-love I deserve. So, go ahead, let go of that fear, stop repressing your pleasure, and do something that is a bit exciting. It’s also super helpful, that we have a community that was just in this predicament…so, we are here to support!


